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  • SERIDA Center

Regional Service of Agri-food Research and Development

SERIDA is a public Agri-Food Research Center which belongs to the Government of the Principality of Asturias. It aims to contribute to the modernization, diversification and improvement of the capacities of the regional agri-food sector by promoting and carrying out agri-food research and technological development. It works in close connection with the sector (farmers, cooperatives, companies, government, land managers, etc) to increase the added value (quantity and quality) of the local productions and improve their economic, environmental and socio-cultural sustainability.
SERIDA is located in the north-west of Spain, in the province of Asturias, where it carries out its activities in several facilities and experimental farms in different locations, some of them involved in this project:

  • - The headquarters in Villaviciosa, which include certified laboratories to analyze plant and animal parameters, the Research Areas of Nutrition, Pastures and Forages, Horticultural and Forest Crops as well as the Area of Transfer and training.
  • - SERIDA Deva-Animal Biotechnological Center with facilities and laboratories to for research activities on animal production, health and welfare. The Area of Animal Health is located here and the SERIDA team will carry on the studies with the local poultry breed “Pita Pinta” here.
  • - La Mata experimental Station is suitable for studies which seek for alternative and sustainable animal and plant productions. The SERIDA team will develop the agronomic studies with local plant crops for ADVAGROMED project in this station.
Take a Look at the Other Facilities